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Mutual Fund AUM Surge 35%

 Mutual fund assets surge 35% in fiscal 2024 to a new high.

According to recent report from AMFI, fiscal 2024 turned out to be one of the best years for the domestic mutual funds industry as assets under management (AUM) spurted by nearly Rs 14 lakh crore to a record Rs 53.40 lakh crore as of March 2024 compared with Rs 39.42 lakh crore as of March 2023.


Women comprised ~23% of the investors based on their share of the AUM and men ~77%, while individual investors comprised ~60% as against institutional investors ~40%.

Equity-oriented fund categories gain on inflows and mark-to-market (MTM) gains. As Nifty 50 gained 33%, most of the AUM increase are from MTM gains.


Passive funds growth was muted around 27% as compared to Active funds.

Another key take away is investors' adoption of systematic investment plans (SIPs).
SIP continues to rise with monthly net inflows at Rs 19,300 crore in March 2024. For fiscal year 2024, the net inflows through SIPs stood at nearly Rs 2 lakh crore versus Rs 1.55 lakh crore in the previous fiscal year.

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