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Why We Procrastinate Investing And How to Overcome It.

We all know and struggle with procrastination, particularly starting our investing journey.

Many of us know that it’s the best way for us to achieve our financial goals, but yet we still put off making our first investment.

A major reason we put off investing is because we’re "afraid of losing money."

This is known as "loss aversion", a cognitive bias in which we tend to prefer avoiding losses, even if it will give substantial profits in the future.

mutual funds

How you can overcome it?

Change your thoughts about investing from “I’m afraid of losing money” to “I will definitely make money”. 

This small shift in your mindset, can help you get over your inertia in investing.

It may have been a difficult first step to make, but once you do it, you’ll not regret starting your investing journey.

Do it now!

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