At the crux of this entire political conundrum, the core issue, which lays quite forlorn and forgotten is the nuclear issue. Today the politicians might have turned it into an opportunity to topple the UPA Govt but few remember that it all started with the nuclear deal.
Surely few of these politicians would have actually taken the effort to read the 82-page nuclear deal and tried to understand what it is all about. Somehow that does not come as a surprise at all! So without getting into the “political” angle of it, let us take a look at what exactly is this nuclear issue. What would
What exactly is nuclear power?
Nuclear power is generated using Uranium, which is a metal mined in various parts of the world. It produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you'd get from burning fossil fuels.
Where does
Why nuclear power?
To take
What does 123 agreement mean?
The 123 Agreement is the terms of engagement which operationalizes the treaty agreement between
What is the Hyde Act?
The Henry J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act of 2006, it is known as the Hyde Act. It is the legal framework for this deal and provides the legal basis for the 123 Agreement with
What would the deal with
The Govt has chalked out a roadmap wherein over the next 25 years, through the deal, it has set a target of generating 20,000 MWe (unit of nuclear power) as against the current 3,900 MWe.
The biggest advantage, which the UPA Govt is actually seeking is projecting to the world that it an ally of
Once the new reactors are set up, and they go critical without any time overrun, the nuclear power generation would take care of 8% of
Yes, price of uranium is also mounting. Between 2005 (when the India-US nuclear deal was first proposed) and 2007 (when the 123 Agreement was finalised), since then, the spot price of uranium has quadrupled. According to a June 2008 market assessment, a further 58 per cent increase is expected. But remember unlike oil, we are dealing with more mature economies here who will supply uranium and hopefully, they will prevent the present cartelization which we see in oil.
What is the cost of nuclear power?
At present, power from existing nuclear reactors costs, after huge subsidies, between Rs 2.70 and Rs 2.80 per kWh. The coal-fired Sasan mega power project in Madhya Pradesh will be supplying power at Rs 1.196 per unit. The real cost of power from existing nuclear reactors is around Rs 4 per unit; the cost of power produced by new reactors will be around Rs 5.50 per unit. But the economies of scale would soon start giving the advantages. Plus, these costs are today at the present levels of coal price, so when price of coal escalates further, cost would only go up.
What would the deal mean to Indian companies?
Why did the Left withdraw support?